• Email Address
  • Phone Number
    +91 99115 55454
  • Our Address
    Jalpura, Greater Noida, UP

About Us MYEWA

MYEWA In Education

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. MYEWA helps provide education for children living in poverty. Since its establishment in 2019, MYEWA has helped over 5,000 children in 5 different city receive an education. MYEWA believes that every child deserves the opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of their circumstances. With your help, we can continue to provide children with access to education and give them the chance to create a better future for themselves and their communities.

MYEWA In Health

Every year, millions of people around the world fall into poverty due to health-related issues. In many cases, these people are unable to afford basic medical care, let alone more expensive treatments like hospitalization. This is where MYEWA comes in. MYEWA provides free medical care to those in need. Through our hospital partnerships, we are able to provide free treatment to those who cannot afford it. We also organize regular medical camps where people can come and get free check-ups and treatments. We rely on donations from kind-hearted individuals and organizations to keep our work going.

MYEWA In Environment

MYEWA is an NGO that also works to protect the environment. One of our main projects work towards a clean and green environment by planting trees, conducting awareness campaigns and cleaning up public spaces. We have also provide mosquito killing spray to communities in need and army base camp through our goverment partnerships.

MYEWA In Awareness

MYEWA is a valuable tool that provides schools with resources on medical care, tobacco, and drink accidents. Schools are usually where they work to raise awareness about these hot-button topics so that children can learn to avoid the dangers. MYEWA has been making a difference in people's lives since it began working with children in schools who've acquired potentially life-threatening injuries like scraped knees, or more serious repercussions like lost families due to accidental tobacco and drinking.

Events & News

Event Picture
03 Sep-2022

Meetup with Sharda Foundation

MYEWA team is excited
The MYEWA team is excited to be able to offer our assistance to the Sharda Foundation
Event Picture
08 Aug-2022

First Medical Camp

At Bagh Wali Masjid Habibur, Jalpura
Myewa is committed to improving the health and well-being of underprivileged communities in India. We are grateful to Yatharth Hospital for their support in making this camp a success

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